Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Black Raspberry (Rubus Occidentalis) Pruning

Black raspberries! These tasty, prolific and pesky berries have been growing through my neighbor's (these are the same neighbors with the quince tree) fence for years, and in the past year I persuaded my mother to stop cutting them back. During the early summer when that decision was made, their growth was slow. It wasn't until I turned my back for a minute (I swear, a whole minute), the were out of control! There are many a story about black raspberries wreaking havoc on people's yards, and I was determined to not let that happen to mine.


(Blackberries before the pruning)

It may not look like much, but the canes were starting to reach outward and spread low as opposed to a more structured and vertical growth that I desired. So, I put on my leather gloves, pruners, and got in there. I'm not entirely sure if what I did was 'by the book', but it

worked well for me.


(Blackberries after the pruning)

It does look like I took a lot out, however I am confident that they will grow back next season, and hopefully I will be able to maintain some kind of order.

Also, I saved the roots, washed them and they are currently drying in my basement. I am coming to understand that they have certain medicinal qualities, although I am not in the position to speak confidently about their uses at this time.


Above is the ball of raspberry roots after I rinsed them off. That is not a single root system, but many roots from the smaller canes all bundled together.

After they are thoroughly dried, I plan on cutting them into more uniform sizes, and storing in mason jars.

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